Who coined the nickname "Trash-80" and what was the source of …
Is there any hope for assigning correct attribution to the famous nickname "Trash-80"? Note: Jimmy Maher, the Digital Antiquarian, has published what I'd consider the definitive recent article on the early history of the Trash-80.
What made Windows Me so crash-prone? - Retrocomputing Stack …
Jul 14, 2019 · I am unsure about what made it so crash prone To start with, it wasn't. Windows ME was not much different from 98SE and on its own as stable as its predecessor. The only plausible thing I could read about it was that it was forked from Windows 95 instead of Windows 98 but how could that be a possibility as it doesn't really make much sense in the end? It …
User trash-80 - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
Q&A for vintage-computer hobbyists interested in restoring, preserving, and using the classic computer and gaming systems of yesteryear
Newest 'trs-80' Questions - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
May 25, 2024 · Use for questions regarding the z80-based Tandy Radio Shack computers, the TRS-80 Model I, II, III, and 4. Computers using another processor, such as the 6809-based TRS-80 Color Computer, should use a different tag ( [color-computer] in that case).
Who invented garbage collection? - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
Jan 22, 2023 · Google tells me that John McCarthy invented garbage collection, for Lisp in 1959. However, a video on C that I was watching (‘Learn C Programming with Dr. Chuck’, c. 6:40) mentions the lack of a ga...
Need help restoring the OS of an "AST Premium Exec 386SX/20" …
Feb 5, 2023 · I have an AST Premium Exec 386SX/20 Model 63V laptop minus a floppy drive and hard disk. Otherwise the 1991 vintage machine is fully functional (and in excellent condition, so it's definitely worth
Why is the original Altair BASIC (for the 8080 CPU) source code …
Jul 26, 2019 · As described by The Register in 2001, around 1987 journalists and others started asking Bill Gates for a copy of the source code for the original version of Altair (eventually Micro-Soft) BASIC, wr...
terminology - In relation to the Tandy TRS-80 Model 1 and Model …
Aug 11, 2024 · I'm an old TRS-80 guy and we used to use the Trash-80 nickname fondly. Never owned one but I learned programming on model 1 and model III between Apple ] [ and ZX Spectrum.
No sound on SheepShaver for Windows 10 [closed]
You need to delete the Apple Audio Extension. Open your Mac OS 9 HD. Go to System Folder Go to Extensions Move Apple Audio Extension into Trash and empty your trash. Restart SheepShaver Open Sound Panel. Select Built-In.
history - Were any of the books mentioned in this scene from the …
In this scene from the 1995 movie Hackers, Cereal pulls out several books referred to by different colors of the "technicolor rainbow", including a "green one", "luscious o...