Wayne National Forest - Outdoor Safety & Ethics - US Forest Service
Never cut live or standing dead trees. Do not vandalize trees, rock faces, or recreation infrastructure. Do not stack rocks. Do not take any historic artifacts, such as arrowheads or old bottles. These are legally protected. Properly dispose of human bio-waste in holes dug at least 200 feet from water, trails, and campsites.
Wayne National Forest - News & Events - US Forest Service
Feb 1, 2016 · Last year, the Wayne National Forest issued 151 firewood permits. Each permit will authorize collection of dead and down trees only. No standing trees may be cut, regardless of condition.
Wayne National Forest - Home - US Forest Service
Please use extreme caution with campfires and make sure they are dead out before vacating the campsite. Use only dead and down material for firewood. Cutting or defacing live trees or shrubs is prohibited.
Why are the... - U.S. Forest Service - Wayne National Forest
Research Entomologist Andrew Liebhold of the USDA Forest Service’s Northern Research Station explains. These dead twigs are called "flagging" and are caused by the periodical # cicada. This flagging is often observed on trees where the cicadas have mated and laid eggs in small slits they create.
It’s the... - U.S. Forest Service - Wayne National Forest - Facebook
Trees don’t live forever. Whether it’s a disease, a blow down from strong winds, old age, or something else, every tree eventually dies. But just because a tree...
Wayne National Forest prescribed burns enhance plant, animal life
Dec 29, 2023 · Dry, dead leaves, trees and other debris can act as fuel for wildfires, which in Ohio tend to be almost entirely caused by human negligence, Miller said.
The ecological value of dead trees – The Wildlife News
Dec 20, 2018 · Dead trees and down wood play an important role in ecosystems by providing wildlife habitat, cycling nutrients, aiding plant regeneration, decreasing erosion, and influencing drainage and soil moisture and carbon storage, among other values.
If a tree has fallen in a US national forest, can you take the wood?
Jan 14, 2023 · Trees in the National Forest managed by the US Forest Service that have fallen down or standing dead and close to the road are usually cut for firewood by the public with a cheap or free firewood permit.
Is that tree dead? Quantifying fire-killed trees to inform salvage …
Wildfires are natural disturbances in the western United States. Managing the resulting stands of dead and dying trees requires balancing conflicting priorities. Although these trees provide wildlife habitat and salvage logging revenue, they also pose public safety hazards.
Don't cut them down: Letting dead trees rot can help make new life
May 31, 2024 · From microbes to four-legged critters, dead trees play an essential role in a forest’s ecosystem. Experts say it's rare that removal is necessary.