What Is a Complex Sentence? (With Examples) - Grammarly
May 30, 2023 · Complex sentences are one of the four types of sentences based on structure (simple, complex, compound, and compound-complex). Their distinction is that they contain a …
Complex Sentence: Explanation and Examples - Grammar Monster
A complex sentence is a sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. For example: We must not swim where the seals are. (The independent clause is …
Complex Sentences – Definition, Structure and Examples
Sep 12, 2023 · Complex sentences are constructed by focusing the sentence on the independent clause, often known as the “main clause,” and then adding dependent clauses to the phrase in …
Complex Sentences: 50 Examples - Espresso English
What is a complex sentence? A complex sentence contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. An independent clause contains a subject and verb, and can stand …
How to Write Complex Sentences: Structure and Rules
Jan 23, 2019 · Learn the different parts of a complex sentence. Definitions and examples demonstrate how important complex sentences can be when varying your writing style.
What is a complex sentence? - BBC Bitesize
A complex sentence communicates more than one idea. One part (the main clause) is like a simple sentence: it can stand on its own.
The 4 Types of Sentence Structure | Learn English
There are seven coordinating conjunctions: A complex sentence consists of an independent clause plus a dependent clause. (A dependent clause starts with a subordinating conjunction …
Complex Sentence: Definition, Explanation, Types And Examples
Sep 12, 2022 · There are four categories of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Each type of sentence has its own essential ingredients. For the complex …
10 Complex Sentence Examples with Detailed Explanation
2 days ago · Teaching Point: This sentence demonstrates how a non-essential relative clause (set off by commas) can be embedded within a complex sentence structure. It shows how complex …
Complex Sentences: Definition, Rules, and Examples
Understanding complex sentences helps in forming better sentence structures, improving clarity in writing, and expressing relationships between ideas effectively. What Is a Complex Sentence? …