River channel migration - Wikipedia
River channel migration is the geomorphological process that involves the lateral migration of an alluvial river channel across its floodplain. This process is mainly driven by the combination of bank erosion of and point bar deposition over time.
Stream channel migration zones - Washington State …
What is channel migration? Channel migration is the natural process that describes how a stream or river channel moves over time. Channel migration can occur gradually, such as when a stream erodes away one bank and deposits sediment along the opposite side.
Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) - Pierce County, WA
Identifying channel migration zones can help communities establish management practices that guide development away from the most dangerous channel migration zones and reduce flood hazards. The study considers a wide variety of factors, and does not …
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries : Channel Migration ...
Channel migration is the natural process by which streams move laterally over time. It is typically a gradual phenomenon that works over many years to effect significant migration. In some cases, usually associated with flood events, significant migration can happen rapidly.
Global rates and patterns of channel migration in river deltas
Channel migration can be disruptive to human inhabitants living near channel banks, impact aquaculture and agriculture operations dependent on the location of proximal channels, and have major implications for engineering operations such as infrastructure design, bridge construction, land management practices, and flood planning (5, 6).
Channel migration hazards - King County, Washington
Channel migration is a specific type of flood hazard. Channel migration is a natural process that describes how rivers can change their paths over time. River pathways are called channels, and river channels can move, or migrate, across their floodplains.
Channel Migration Zones - ArcGIS StoryMaps
Channel migration is a natural, geomorphic process by which a stream moves laterally across its floodplain over time. This process includes bed and bank erosion, sediment deposition, and channel avulsion, a process in which the stream abruptly moves to …
Managing for migration (lateral movement) of stream channels reduces risk to communities in floodplains as well as improves floodplain health. A common management tool is a Channel Migration Zone (CMZ). CMZ mapping is required by the Washington State Shoreline Management Act and its implementing administrative code.
The Channel Migration Toolbox: ArcGIS® Tools for Measuring …
This report describes how to use the Channel Migration Toolbox, a set of ArcGIS® tools that automates the measurement of stream channel migration. Lateral movement of stream channels is typically measured in support of Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) mapping, a requirement for Shoreline Master Programs.
This document explains channel migration processes and stream channel patterns in Western Washington, providing a succinct and readable summary of scientific concepts relevant to floodplain management and restoration.