See your cake orders on a calendar so you can plan the week. Add designs and products to orders and track payments. Print orders with detailed information and tags for kitchen operations. Choose your measurement and currency preferences. Manage …
Design cakes by combining individual elements on a canvas. Choose from a growing library of assets that will include a wide range of boards, cake sizes, decorations, construction elements as well as textiles and patterns.
Jul 30, 2020 · So there you have it! Some important questions and a 10 step guide on how to design a cake. Cakenote’s Cake Designer offers an incredibly easy way to design, itemise and price your cakes. Join a 14 day free trial today or checkout the instant free demo.
This option lets you apply an image as the pattern to the element. The tool will show you all images from the Images library. Remember, adding an image as a pattern from the Fill Tool does not adjust any pricing of the Design. Please use Surface Decor if you wish to add surface decorations that adjust pricing of your Design.
Jun 8, 2018 · Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse cte tuer adipiscing elit, sed diam no nu m nibhie eui smod. Facil isis atve eros et accumsan etiu sto odi dignis sim qui blandit praesent lupta de er.