helps you find exactly what you need from thousands of libraries around the world: books, ebooks, audio books, videos, databases, research materials and data, maps, records, …
Get started with In about two minutes, you can learn how to make a profile, create and add items to lists, export citations, and use facets to narrow your search … es un catálogo global de material bibliotecario. Puede buscar libros, música, vídeos, artículos y mucho más en las bibliotecas más cercanas. is a resource for locating unique, trustworthy materials that you often can’t find anywhere except in a library. By connecting thousands of libraries’ collections in one place, …
WorldCat è un catalogo globale di materiali bibliotecari. È possibile cercare libri, musica, video, articoli e molto altro nelle biblioteche più vicine. makes it easy to find open content from libraries around the world. Just look for the “Open Access” checkbox in the left navigation pane. Then you can further refine your search …
What is the WorldCat Registry and why should I use it? The WorldCat Registry is a Web-based directory of libraries and library consortia. This authoritative service allows any institution to do …