In his sermon, Archbishop Cottrell used music as a metaphor, saying that the Lord’s Prayer was “a song of heaven on earth”, ...
THE new Interim Dean of Winchester, Canon Roland Riem, has promised transparency and “radical candour” in response to a ...
THE parish church of St Mary Magdalene’s, Newark-on-Trent, in Nottinghamshire, is facing a shortfall of £600,000 on its ...
The Revd Benjamin Bradshaw, Rector of the St Benedict Benefice, is not planning to take any breaks as he prays for local ...
IN THEORY, we associate Lent with moments of contemplation and tending to our inner life; in practice, it is too often a ...
Unlike her previous diocesan posts in Bath & Wells, and Coventry, there is no fallback when the interim post in Liverpool ...
“THE Death of the Hired Man” by Robert Frost is an extraordinary poem. In a deceptively simple narrative style, it relates the discussion between a farmer and his wife over whether to offer shelter to ...
8 Vague dim prelate concealing first of tattoos on the skin (9) ...
A CHRISTIAN leader in Ukraine, Dr Slavik Pyzh, has described the dramatic about-turn in support from the United States as leaving Ukrainians “in the same state as they were in the first days — anxiety ...
WHAT was the turning point for podcasts? Spotify reports that, during the first three months of the pandemic, streaming doubled. Podcasts were the perfect companion. Tech giants seized the opportunity ...
16 March, Genesis 15.1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3.17-4.1; Luke 13.31-end COMMENTING on the opening section of this Gospel passage, Rudolf Bultmann confessed: “I have no explanation to offer of ...
AN ASH WEDNESDAY declaration that pledges and calls for Christian action to oppose anti-immigration policies in the United States has been signed by 45 religious groups, including the Episcopal Church ...