The upcoming EU-Western Balkans summit in Brussels on 18 December will be the first high-level meeting of the new European ...
The verdict in Sandra Muhoza's trial was delivered on 16 December. Detained since 13 April, the journalist was sentenced ...
Le verdict du délibéré du procès de Sandra Muhoza a été prononcé ce 16 décembre. Détenue depuis le 13 avril, la journaliste a ...
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and its partner, the Congolese National Press Union  (UNPC), have inaugurated a residence in ...
Reporters sans frontières (RSF) a inauguré, avec son partenaire l’Union nationale de la presse congolaise (UNPC), une ...
Reporters sans frontières (RSF) et le Conseil des médias albanais lancent une feuille de route, conçue avec des représentants ...
Reporters sans frontières (RSF) répond aux critiques persistantes concernant sa position passée sur Pablo González, un ...
Le parquet de Varsovie a annoncé l’ouverture d’une enquête pénale sur les actes d’intimidation commis contre le journaliste ...
The Warsaw prosecutor’s office has announced the opening of a criminal investigation into acts of intimidation targeting ...
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has issued a response to the ongoing criticism of its past stance on Pablo González, a ...
Poland: the Spanish-Russian national Pablo González abused the rights democracies grant to journalists Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has issued a response to the ongoing criticism of its past stance ...
Round-up reveals an alarming intensification of attacks on journalists — especially in conflict zones, where over half of the ...