Mubarak Shah Zamani, a futsal player, termed this year full of achievements compared to the past year and said: “2024 was a ...
ترینکوټ (پژواک ۲۶ لېندۍ ۱۴۰۳): د ارزوګان ولایت په مرکز ترینکوټ ښار کې د ۳۸۰ زره امریکایي ډالرو په لګښټ یوه روغتیايي مرکز ته د ...
Acting Deputy Foreign Minister Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai has held a meeting with British Charge d'affaires Robert Dickson ...
جلالاباد (پژواک، ۲۶ لېندۍ ۱۴۰۳): د ننګرهار ولایت په مرکز جلالاباد ښار کې د کورنیو تولیداتو نندارتون جوړی شوی چې درې ورځې به ...
The first phase of Kharwar Dam project in central Logar province, aimed at maintenance and monitoring of the dam, has been ...
An eight-year old feud between two families in Goshti district of eastern Nangarhar province was resolved on Monday after ...
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جلالاباد (پژواک، ۲۶ لیندۍ ۱۴۰۳): د ننګرهار په ګوشتې ولسوالۍ کې د دوو کورنيو ترمنځ اته کلنه دښمني چې یوه مېرمن هم پهکې وژل ...
The Ghor-Kabul highway has been closed for traffic due to heavy snowfall last night, an official said on Monday . . .
The Kabul Municipality has launched the distribution of coal at a subsidised rate of 6,500 afghanis per ton, about 50 percent ...