Delta Force, previously known as Delta Force Hawk Ops, is the latest installment in the franchise that brings back some of the old game modes, the entire campaign, and a ton of new content and modes ...
We cover the most optimal loadout, with the weapons and their corresponding attachments, for Vyron in Delta Force.
Check which Delta Force operator comes at the top. Read our rankings and choose the operator that fits your playstyle.
Go to the firing range to try new weapons and preview them with attachments without cost. This is one of the most challenging ...
Temujin Kensu was found guilty by a jury in 1987 for a murder in lower Michigan. But Kensu has always said he was in Rock and Escanaba the entire time.
Fireworks are in the game to celebrate the Lunar New Year, and you can set them off in the match yourself to do so. It takes ...
Delta Force Season 2 is about to start and while there's no official downtime, Team Jade has warned players that certain ...
As of Season 2, Delta Force has nine available Operators for players to choose from. While all Operators are viable in ...
The QCQ171 in Delta Force is hard to use, but it becomes very effective when kitted out with the right attachments.
Delta Force is a very intricate game while also being incredibly expansive with its Warfare and Operations gamemodes. Here ...
Unlike the operator Uluru in Delta Force, all players need to do to unlock Sineva is to reach level 15 in the Starfall Battle ...
The QCQ171 is one of the weapons introduced to Delta Force in Season Starfall, and it allows an interesting playstyle for a ...