Many Zambian children, especially those living in communities lacking roads and infrastructure, struggle to access healthcare, education and basic services. But there is hope: In 2013, Zambia ...
We tried the WILDEST drive in the WORLD and this is How it Ended.. We have travelled from South Africa to Namibia, Botswana ...
UNICEF and WFP are delivering life-saving nutrition and protection interventions, targeting Zambia's most vulnerable communities.
Ms Kundananji has represented the Zambian National team since 2018 at the African Cup of Nations, FIFA World Cup Qualifiers and the Olympic qualifiers. Ms Kundananji has also played for Madrid Club de ...
Nyambe built four schools in Zambia to house over 500 kids and provide ... Nymabe’s resources attracted many children from the village, so she built four schools to accommodate over 500 students.
Researchers have joined forces with Zambian health-care professionals to create the Mfuwe Epilepsy Foundation, with a focus on improving epilepsy care in rural Zambia where health infrastructure is ...