There are quite a few languages in Dungeons & Dragons' base game - here's everything you need to know about them.
Talisman 5th Edition is the latest edition of a fantasy adventure classic ... These are somewhat well-balanced but really, ...
D&D 5e players have a diverse set of Magic Items to use for their Monk characters, from being more potent in combat to ...
Are you familiar with all DnD races, species, and their unique abilities? Dungeons & Dragons is an online fantasy video game ...
Ballad of the Witch, a new tabletop role-playing game setting inspired by Slavic and Balkan folklore, on Kickstarter.
After some playtesting, we’ve learned that Dungeons and Dragons’ high-level encounters suffer a lot of the same problems as ...
Dungeons & Dragons returns to Eberron with a new book later this year, but fans can playtest the brand-new Artificer ...
As someone who has run a mostly-online 5th Edition D&D campaign for almost five years at this point, I am always on the ...
A Collection of Seafaring Adventures' and '40 Missions for REALLY Drunken Adventurers' are in this week's 5E compatible RPGs.
Things are always a little unbalanced in Dungeons and Dragons playtests, but 5e’s new feats are particularly disparate in ...
With 5th edition’s art, Lanzillo said, Wizards’ team has been trying to emphasize immersion and world-building. “A little ...
A 5E focused Bundle of Holding features six releases from Jeff Stevens Games, including Adventures From the Potbellied Kobold ...