Apple launched Apple News Plus in 2019. Since then the tech company has made some changes to its news aggregator service, like the addition of the Quartiles puzzles. With iOS 18.2, Apple is bringing ...
Apple launched the voice memos utility application for consumers to deploy when needing to record small snippets of audio, or ...
OS 18.2 Voice Memos for the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max get Layered Recordings. Here are all the details on this.
Voice will be AI's operating system. Without an injunction from the Supreme Court, RIP TikTok. Samsung intros its new MR ...
Apple released iOS and iPadOS 18.2 for iPhone and iPad, which includes the latest set of Apple Intelligence Features (AI) for ...
TL;DR: A wide range of ChatGPT courses are available to take for free on Udemy. Udemy is a popular hub for online courses, ...
There’s also a microphone that you can use for voice ... ask Memo questions about what the camera sees in the real world. You ...
OS 18.2 is now available to everyone, and the update is headlined by major new Apple Intelligence features. While ...
Apple has confirmed that iOS 18.2 will roll out to iPhone users today. The update includes major new Apple Intelligence features, upgrades to the Camera Control on iPhone 16, a redesign for the Mail ...
Apple is rolling out its next major software update for iPhone, iPad, and Mac today. It includes new Apple Intelligence ...