Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka police successfully dealt with a buffalo ownership dispute between Bommanahal and Medehal villages without needing a DNA test. The conflict was resolved when Medehal ...
Drawing culinary tourists from as far afield as the United States and Japan, there is a restaurant recognised as serving the best beef chop in Spain and the second ... Located in the tiny village of ...
A village in Spain's Colunga region is considered one of the most beautiful villages in the country. Here, you will find a spot that perfectly encapsulates the maritime essence of the region ...
As of next year, Pollensa will no longer have the right to use the ‘The Most Beautiful Villages of Spain’ brand in its tourism promotion ... nightlife to hidden gems like Valldemossa and Serra de ...
The vessel, carrying around 80 people, sank while en route to Spain. Eleven survivors were ... The shortest route is between the coastal town of Tarfaya in southern Morocco and the Canary island ...
The village cares for its senior citizens as a community, and gives them plenty of personal freedom. It’s a win for the seniors, their families, and the entire community. More for You ...
Imphal: Gunfight broke out between two armed groups in Manipur ... targeting the Sinam Kom village. Armed ‘village volunteers’ deployed at the foothills retaliated, leading to the gunfight ...
It is now more than a month since a section of the public road at Sisters Village between Duncan Street and Saw Pit Turn on the West Bank of Demerara has been dug up, filled back, and left unfinished.
On nine informational panels, two local children, "Aletscha" and "Aletschander", tell about the bygone days in the village and on the Alp. The sun-blackened larch-wood houses in the mountain village ...
If you fancy visiting some of Spain’s most vibrant and beautiful cities next year, you could travel between them for less than the price of a portion of fish and chips. The cost of everything ...
The starting point for the hike is the small town of Coppet on the banks of Lake Geneva. “Route de Suisse”, the town’s 300-metre long main street, is lined with pretty arcades, shops and restaurants – ...