Do you carry a credit card balance from month to month? Forty-eight percent of American credit card holders do, according to ...
Stephanie Noble was easily influenced. The 38-year-old would turn to her phone to relax and scroll. When she saw influencers ...
This critical action allows the government to continue borrowing to meet its legally binding financial obligations.
Credit card defaults are on the rise for Americans, reaching the highest level in 14 years. U.S. credit card defaults jumped to a record $46 billion from January through September ...
A recent WalletHub analysis revealed that the average Mississippian’s credit score is still in bad shape compared to last year. The average score increased 16 ...
A new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rule means consumers’ hospital and doctor bills can no longer weigh down their ...
Ted doesn't desire to work as a retail manager but cannot plan to retire anytime soon due to high levels of credit card debt.
Being strategic with their pay raise can help service members stay out of predatory situations while staying out of debt for ...
US consumer debt outstanding unexpectedly fell in November by the most in over a year as credit-card balances plunged.
The nearly 1-point increase on a 30-year fixed mortgage equates to a more than $200 increase in monthly mortgage payments, or ...
Change expected to "remove an estimated $49 billion in medical bills from the credit reports of about 15 million Americans." ...
Your credit score is a snapshot of how you manage your credit accounts, such as whether you pay your bills on time. This three-digit score may not seem like a big deal on a regular basis, but it can ...