The Supreme Court is set to consider the Mexican government's effort to hold U.S. gun companies accountable for violence ...
Conservative Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. lambasted the 9th Circuit Court over its decision upholding a judgment for the ...
High court actions mean an excessive force finding in a fatal 2017 San Jose police shooting stands, and double-jeopardy ...
The court decided not to take the case brought against the government by an Air National Guard member who was paralyzed ...
Trump’s former personal attorney suggested public officials should “generally” follow court orders except in “extreme cases.” ...
WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court ... calling the case an “unprecedented assault on the separation of powers.” To back up that ...
The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a case testing a hospital’s assertion of immunity from liability for a data ...
Lawyer D. John Sauer represented Trump in the case that led to the Supreme Court’s sweeping July 1 decision giving him ...
The decision marks the end of the road for several criminal defendants and a police officer accused of excessive force in a ...
WHAT WILL WE SAY about the Supreme Court when the storm has passed? That it was strong? That it stood firm against a rogue ...
Lawyer D. John Sauer represented Trump in the case that led to the Supreme Court’s sweeping July 1 decision giving him personal immunity from prosecution. Sauer remained Trump’s lawyer ...
The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of a California police officer denied qualified immunity in a civil rights ...