If you're eager for a story-rich, complex, and challenging narrative adventure, look no further than Citizen Sleeper 2: ...
Issues delivered straight to your door or device Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector is a smart sequel in that it takes ...
A sci-fi adventure that combines TTRPG gameplay elements with intense, real world distress.
Starward Vector sparks constant reflection on the way we interact with others and the philosophies we choose as our driving force. Much like with its predecessor, the team at Jump Over the Age ...
“The idea with video games is they’re supposed to be this warm bath of immersion that you disappear into,” said Gareth Damian Martin, whose new game Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector subverts ...
Citizen Sleeper 2 did an incredible job of leaving me feeling desperate and like I was struggling to survive in a terrifying galaxy.
Starward Vector from developer Jump Over The Age and publisher Fellow Traveller is the sequel to 2022's Citizen Sleeper, and ...
With a new found sense of tension, and showpiece Contract missions, Citizen Sleeper is transformed. This follow-up has ...
Conspiracies that have a strong following but divide Shasta County resurfaced again at a public Board of Supervisors meeting.
In a phone-powered age of diminishing social capital and growing identitarianism, the president knew just which fears to ...
Matt Plummer knows what he’s doing, and at the beginning of the meeting he masterfully swapped R4, Harmon’s resolution to appoint Patty Plumb to the Shasta County Elections Commission, with R5, his ...
The first match by the Afghan women’s cricket team is placing the Taliban under additional diplomatic pressure.