Sailor Moon's Death Busters arc introduces viewers to the prestigious Mugen Academy. The academy was created by a renowned professor, Souichi Tomoe. The elite private school educates children of all ...
Sailor Moon's fan-favorite heartthrob has joined the Powerpuff Girls franchise as a potential villain, bringing the two ...
The official musical based on "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon," one of the most universally acclaimed manga and subsequent anime, has announced a North American tour with 18 stops across the U.S., ...
The Super Live, the worldwide smash-hit 2.5D musical sensation based on the wildly popular manga, will arrive in Minneapolis.
Military funerals were held Friday for three Massachusetts veterans whose unclaimed urns were among 200 discovered last year.
Find your furrever friend at Greater Cincinnati’s largest annual pet adoption event, where you can meet adoptable animals ...
David Lynch, who left us last week, demonstrated that if you made something fascinating enough, it doesn’t need to be ...
AdorkaBows and AmunetGFX have been working together for years to make beautiful, 3D metal lapel pins with floral and magical ...
The official musical based on “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon,” one of the most universally acclaimed manga and anime, has announced a North American tour with 18 stops across the U.S., including Dallas.
The main species of jellyfish you're likely to encounter on Welsh beaches are: the lion's mane, compass, barrel or root mouth ...
My beard has gone through many metamorphoses since. Most notably the removal of the moustache which was mandatory while working for Her Majesty but was a constant annoyance to me: getting caught in my ...