The documentary, directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Smriti Mundhra for MTV Documentary Films, focuses on the days leading up to Ramirez's execution as he sought forgiveness from his victim’s son.
After a delay due to devastating wildfires affecting the Los Angeles area, the 97th Annual Academy Awards nominations were unveiled ...
DOUGLAS COUNTY Drake I. Wolfe, 30, and Maude A. Garrett, 32. Ahmed A. Yusuf, 27, and Nehal A. Abdallh Mohamed, 20. Doniel ...
This is the latest instalment in our From the Vault feature series, in which we reflect on culturally significant movies celebrating ... American auteur Richard Linklater has turned his hand ...
Watch an exclusive clip from the movie Wicked, in which we see Elphaba's unique solo dance being choreographed and rehearsed in preparation for the party scene. Only one new film managed to break ...
But sometimes you don’t want that! Sometimes you just want to escape the increasingly insane world out there into an action movie. Netflix has made a few of their own, but the bulk of the best ...
But its movie library drew from a much deeper well. Warner Bros. Discovery, which owns HBO, is a huge conglomerate, and its premiere streaming service comprises decades of titles from Warner Bros., ...
Gooodbye, 2024, you year of belated sequels, failed superhero-movie spin-offs, sci-fi extravaganzas and a hit witch musical, you! Hello, 2025, the upcoming annum that promises more, er ...
Sometimes, a legendary actor makes a character so iconic that when another actor steps into the role, they simply can't live up to their predecessor.
He persuaded the other three Beatles to appear on the 1973 album Ringo, which made Starr the only ex-Beatle to enjoy back-to-back US No 1s Richard Perry, who has died aged 82, was one of the ...