and even whales, making them one of the ocean’s deadliest creatures. Orcas hunt great white sharks with precision. They flip sharks upside down, inducing paralysis, and eat only their nutrient ...
However, despite their enormous contribution to cinema, animals wild or tame are not eligible for Oscars. Keiko, the orca, ...
Photographer Niall Bell shares his stunning images of the Pacific white-sided dolphins spotted near Porteau Cove, as well as ...
Dolphins and porpoises are actually whales. But whales are whales too. And so are narwhals. Sorry for springing that on you without warning, but we’ll get to that later. Let’s get started on our ...
Susan MacKay, founder and CEO of the Wild Ocean Whale ... The orca sometimes will turn around and try and get away from them, because they don't tend to play with them. The dolphins are saying ...
Two studies reveal that the communication systems of most cetaceans examined adhere to the principles of efficiency and ...
Dolphins are carnivores, meaning they only eat meat. Their usual diet consists of fish, crustaceans, squid, and jellyfish. Larger dolphins, like killer whales, will also attack seals, sea lions, and ...
The role of animals in romantic comedy is surprisingly important for understanding the new Ron Burgundy film, Anchorman 2.