When it comes to implementing Open Authorization (OAuth) technology, constant monitoring and review is the key to maintaining ...
A recent social engineering campaign targeted job seekers in the Web3 space with fake job interviews through a malicious ...
The Windows 365 app on Android will use FIDO2 passkeys to allow users to access it, and Microsoft says it's the safest way.
Gmail users will soon see a big change in the way their accounts are secured and how their two-factor authenticated logins ...
Your password is not safe — with billions of compromised passwords now “fueling cybercrime, putting both individuals and ...
Once upon a time, you could assume you were pretty safe on the internet, so long as you were careful. But that’s changed.
First, QR codes eliminate the numeric authentication code, so there's no code for a scammer to intercept or exploit. Second, they're not dependent on any anti-abuse or anti-SMS swapping protections ...
As part of a social engineering campaign, hackers are reportedly sending fake job offers to job seekers in the web3 space ...
Paul Schnackenburg looks at Microsoft's entry in the Secure Services Edge (SSE) market, Global Secure Access (GSA), and the ...
Google is working to change the SMS code authentication used to sign into a Google account to have you scan a QR code.