Set in Syracuse, New York, in the mid ‘90s, Carmen Emmi’s debut feature revolves around a young cop assigned to a sting operation that forces him to confront his sexuality.
The documentarian, alongside producer Tig Notaro, spoke with IndieWire at our festival studio about their tear-jerking new ...
Authorities say the man’s cellmates helped him escape and then stuffed a mattress to make it look like he was still sleeping.
The 63-year-old blonde beauty was re-creating her fake orgasm scene in a NYC diner from her popular movie ...When Harry Met ...
The Ada Junior High recently released their first semester honors. Those on the honor rolls are: Superintendent's Honor Roll 7th Grade John Aducci, Marlea Ahrend, Stella Ahrend, Emma Arenas, Skyler ...
The Matthew Perry Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital are partnering on an addiction medicine fellowship. WBZ-TV's ...
Imani Perry traces the history and symbolism of the color blue, from the indigo of the slave trade, to Coretta Scott King's ...
Imani Perry’s impressionistic “Black in Blues” finds shades of meaning — beautiful and ugly — in art, artifacts, music, ...
Kevin Jiang, 26, a Yale graduate student and former Army National Guardsman, was gunned down in New Haven, Connecticut. What ...
Kevin Jiang, 26, a Yale graduate student and former Army National Guardsman, was gunned down in New Haven, Connecticut. What ...
Arkadelphia High School announced its Honor Roll for the second nine weeks and first semester of the 2024-25 school year ...