In a release issued during the day, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said it had collected Rs 5,847 crore as property tax till December end, including Rs 433 crore in the last two days of ...
and vermiculture projects in their housing societies or standalone residences Pune Municipal Corporation Property Tax department head Madhav Jagtap had warned to disconnect individual water tap ...
The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has initiated a survey of commercial slums and plans to start collecting ...
Nerunjalkudi is among the 22 village panchayats in Tiruchi district which have been provisionally merged with the Corporation ... force them to pay higher property tax. Stating that most of ...
Definition: Property tax is the annual amount paid by a land owner to the local government or the municipal corporation of his area. The property includes all tangible real estate property, his house, ...
Disclaimer: The information provided here is latest and updated as available from India Post, but the users are advised to verify information with the respective Postal Office before using the ...
Sure, Mayor Wu could have been a little savvier handling the delicate political dynamics, but her heart was in the right ...
Hyundai Venue S Opt Plus Adventure Rs. 11.42 Lakh * Hyundai Venue S Opt Plus Rs. 11.23 Lakh * Hyundai Venue S Opt Knight Rs. 11.40 Lakh * Hyundai Venue S Opt Turbo Rs. 12.03 Lakh * Hyundai Venue S ...
In Kolkata, the price of gold fluctuates constantly owing to several factors such as international markets, currency fluctuations, and domestic demand for it in India, just like in some other ...
You are required to file a Georgia tax return if you receive income from Georgia and you fall into one of the following categories: Georgia provides property tax exemptions for homeowners ...
A tariff is a tax that is levied on imported goods. It is typically used to increase the cost of foreign-made products, particularly those that come from countries that have significantly lower ...
Tycoons like Chen Zhuolin, Hui Ka-yan and the Ho Shung-pun family sold homes and offices at significant losses, reflecting the broader market slump.