SEATTLE — Snug as two bugs in a rug, three year old bears Fern and Juniper are mostly slumbering the winter season away at ...
The older stands are blue magenta. Everything that’s younger is yellows or oranges or light greens. You can color it any way ...
Growers often train branches to grow into desired shapes by wrapping them first with protective raffia, then with bonsai wire ...
The eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginicum) is an evergreen conifer common to our region. It does well in sandy, gravely, ...
There are a variety of ways federal agencies rip, shred, and tear down pinyon and juniper forests, but the result is often the same: vast clear-cut swaths of native trees. Afterward, exotic grass ...
Ecologists are warning that climate change, pests and shifting environmental conditions are leading to the decline of several important tree species across the UK - and people are being urged to help ...
In the most comprehensive global analysis of genetic diversity ever undertaken, an international team of scientists has found that the genetic diversity is being lost across the globe but that ...
The study, published in Frontiers in Plant Science, examined pine trees and juniper shrubs in the Arctic ... This staining technique makes it easy to identify areas where cell walls didn ...
Selecting Mount IÅ¡koras in Norway for a search for blue rings, a team of researchers took samples from 25 pine trees and 54 juniper shrubs, representing the species Pinus sylvestris and Juniperus ...