Inflation in the costs of feed and fuel and labor have contributed to rising egg prices, and farmers have been investing in ...
With the recent egg shortages and price increases in grocery stores because of bird flu, you might be looking at your neighbor's chicken flock with envy or considering going to a local farm.
Egg prices jumped ... I know that sell chickens," Ron Goldsmith said. Goldsmith said sales of feed for chickens at his pet store, Mike's Feed Farm in Riverdale, New Jersey, have more than doubled ...
EGG FARMER HIT HARD BY BIRD FLU, DESCRIBES 'NIGHTMARE' OF LOSING 3 FLOCKS The wait list for one breed, Bresse chickens, is already closed, Bissonnette said, adding that she isn't the only one ...
Quickly, the conversations turn to chickens. They ask after Agnes ... with customers in New York City and New Jersey, offers local, pasture-raised eggs for $7.49 a dozen. Michael Ray Robinov ...
But here’s a question you may have wondered: Why are egg prices increasing while chicken meat prices seem to be staying the same? The answer comes down to the type of chickens involved in egg ...
Renee Brandt has over 40 types of chickens. Many customers love the Easter Egger, chickek even celebrities like Martha Stewart because they lay these colored eggs, shades of blue and green.
LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - Today’s Good Question is: Why is bird flu raising the price of eggs but not chicken? The simplest answer is that the chickens we eat don’t live as long. The birds that ...
Some Treasure Coast communities allow backyard chickens, while others don't. With egg prices rising, more residents might be tempted to try raising their own chickens. A Port St. Lucie woman has ...