US-based start-up NANO Nuclear Energy has drawn attention to its recently acquired intellectual property pertaining to its ...
As ongoing geopolitical tensions and supply chain instability could impact the market, countries still appear eager to become more independent in the nuclear fuel cycle. Click to read.
Japan is revolutionizing the renewable energy sector with the development of perovskite solar cells (PSCs), an innovative ...
The Coalition has vowed to begin building nuclear power plants on 'day one' if they are elected. Peter Dutton has long promised to build seven nuclear reactors across Australia at an estimated cost of ...
China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) has set a new world record maintaining steady-state ...
A NOTORIOUS Russian MMA fighter and convicted killer rapist has been freed from jail to bolster Putin’s struggling war effort ...
At the IH2CON in Moscow, Gazprom Hydrogen presented an exploration of natural "white" hydrogen extraction in Eastern Russia.