Many well-intentioned people still struggle to understand what exactly constitutes antisemitism and when anti-Israel rhetoric ...
"His speaking out will be remembered in cultural history and social history as a day of reckoning for American Jews," Prof.
Five universities, including Columbia and Northwestern, are facing new federal probes over antisemitism on their campuses, as ...
Israeli Harvard student Matan Yaffe talked to Fox News Digital about one his professors allegedly telling Israeli students ...
President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order to fight antisemitism, with a focus on campus demonstrations against ...
I can understand why the author of the back page of last week’s Echo seeks to remain anonymous. The sentiments expressed are racist, ignorant and puerile. Describing the rabid, hateful, increase of ...
Bills in Jefferson City would censor free speech, while doing nothing to protect either Palestinian or Jewish people. | ...
Trump's executive order calling on campuses to address antisemitism has university leaders, faculty and students concerned as ...
The president’s executive order on antisemitism would make universities monitor students’ constitutionally protected speech.
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President Donald Trump’s antisemitism executive order prompts fear for students involved in pro-Palestinian campus protests.