The show follows Juliette Nichols, a resident of Silo 18 who dares to go out of her community and finds out there are many ...
This is a detail the show changed because in the books, Juliette maintains her relationship with Lukas, and even her main aim ...
Silo Season 2's epilogue hints at the mystery behind the silos, including a radiological attack, global warfare and secrets about humanity's survival.
Juliette does indeed manage to leave the other silo and return back home. However, we don't see her fully make it inside as ...
What started as a novella and then turned into a trilogy now looks set to evolve into another trilogy, as Howey confirmed during a Reddit AMA that he has plans for new books that follow the events ...
This announcement came during the airing of Season 2, whose finale is scheduled for January 17, 2025. The series is an ...