Quantum physics underlies technologies from the laser to the smartphone. The International Year of Quantum marks a century of scientific developments.
For over a century, quantum mechanics and Einstein’s general relativity have stood as the cornerstones of modern physics, yet ...
Philip Ball looks at how a little-known paper by Niels Bohr demonstrates the turmoil in physics on the brink of quantum ...
In Bohr’s 1913 papers he envisaged atoms along the lines established by his mentor Ernest Rutherford: dense nuclei orbited by electrons. Bohr’s idea was that the energies and frequencies of the ...
Although movement mechanics used to be secondary elements to video games' core gameplay, they have become much more relevant. Many modern games value and exploit the act of movement with much more ...
Their innovative ‘matrix mechanics’ was set out in a long paper 4, commonly known as the Dreimännerarbeit (the three-man paper) submitted by Born, Heisenberg and Jordan in November 1925.
This marks the centenary of the advent of quantum mechanics, which began in a flurry ... who was a member of the same group as Heisenberg and worked out some of the first applications of his ...
"This feels like we have our finger right on the knob of quantum mechanics," Feldman said. "It's an aspect of quantum mechanics that we didn't know about or, at least, we didn't appreciate before ...
Today we're going to dive into the top 10 models and see what real mechanics have to say about their reliability, as well as explore their reliability ratings and maintenance projections.
This year was chosen because it marks the 100th anniversary of Werner Heisenberg’s development of matrix mechanics – the first consistent mathematical description of quantum physics. Our guest in this ...