It's easy to get extra excited and start your spring garden too soon, but there are a few things you need to know before ...
Winter in the South can be hard on plants. Fluctuating temperatures, sporadic freezes, and winter winds all take their toll ...
Keeping plants safe during winter needn't be expensive. There are several cost-effective and cheap ways to protect plants ...
At different points in the year, it's possible to place your indoor plants outdoors to soak up some sunshine and fresh air.
Start by asking, “what do I need to cover”? Any plant, be it a perennial or a shrub, that is hardy in our zones that is ...
A plant's internal system for prepping for winter is all fine and good. But that system is impacted by external forces.
Have you ever seen a plant lose most of its leaves during the summer heat or a tree fails to emerge from winter dormancy?
Place houseplants near a west- or south-facing window to maximize sunlight, and give pots a quarter turn with each watering ...
The winter is the quietest time for any gardener, but it doesn’t need to be a period of total dormancy. There are many plants ...
Help build up their fat reserves ahead of winter by leaving out seeds, nuts and fruits such as apples, pears and berries. Dried or live mealworms are great for robins and blue tits, while chocolate is ...
January in Georgia is often the time for our first intense freeze. We actually need cold weather to put our plants fully into ...
Collard greens are frost tolerant but hard freezes lower than 20 degrees will likely stunt the plant. Collards can even be harvested when their leaves are frozen. Winter USDA Hardiness Zones 8-10 ...