"Planet Strange," which examines various paranormal occurrences and their potential local origins, was released several months before the reported drone sightings began. Powell, whose research ...
the drone sightings are real and they are government- and/or industry-operated drones, said Robert Powell, an executive board member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies in Austin.
The drone was sent to Philippine navy forces on ... The 12,000-ton vessel, nicknamed "the Monster," was tracked there on Wednesday by Ray Powell, director of the Stanford University-affiliated ...
Powell, reflecting in mid-December back home to winning the award, said he believed the AGFC Enforcement Division's use of shotshell forensics, DNA analysis and drone technology factored in the ...
A man found hiding a drone and clingfilm-wrapped drugs in a car has been jailed. Police had attempted to stop Theo Powell on the M6. But the 24-year-old failed to stop and was pursued until the ...