The South Korean tennis star stunned Novak Djokovic at the 2018 AustralianOpen 2018, storming into the semi-final. But his career was derailed by injuries, and he has since dropped out of the ...
I must admit I have that feeling.” Back in 2022, Djokovic sought, and initially obtained, an exemption that would allow him into the AustralianOpen — and the country — even though there ...
Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray officially made their debut as a team on Monday at the AustralianOpen. Murray is coaching Djokovic through the tournament as the Serb bids for a record 25th ...
I must admit I have that feeling,” he added. Despite the emotional impact, Djokovic returned in 2023 to win his 10th AustralianOpen title. “I don’t hold a grudge. I came right away the year ...