For få uger siden kom det frem, at Microsoft var begyndt at tvinge sin AI-assistent Copilot ind i Microsoft 365-abonnementer, selvom brugerne ikke havde bedt om det. Det skete blandt andet i ...
These games not only allow us to become closer to our friends, but they are also excellent games in their own right. The world of Co-Op games has steadily seen more titles being added to its ...
Leder du efter Microsoft Store i: {0}? Skift til et årsabonnement, og få det optimale ud af Microsoft 365 til mindre end ved betaling på månedsbasis. Skift til et årsabonnement, og få det optimale ud ...
During a pause in fighting between Israel and Hamas, with fragile hopes for an end to the war, relief is soon weighed down by sorrow.
Proponents of social housing in Seattle should prove their plan will work before they are entitled to $50 million per year, a housing advocate writes.
Eligible institutions and students can sign up to get Office 365 Education for the classroom at no cost—including web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft ...