I agree if someone were to say that the prime minister should not be dragged into the issue of temple land ownership and ...
Trump officials have asked federal courts to trust them in their legal fights about the government overhaul, but judges want ...
The right for same-sex couples to marry "could unravel very quickly," according to Jim Obergefell - 10 years after his ...
Should Utah’s religious freedom protections extend to a new faith group using psychedelic mushrooms in its ceremonies? A federal judge just said yes.
A soccer player, political activists and a father of a U.S. citizen were among the immigrants sent to the Central American ...
The the Court of Justice for the European Union reports a decrease in new IP cases in 2024 despite a 12% increase in overall ...
The attorney general moves to protect her boss from civil suits whose judgments could amount to millions of dollars.
A panel of North Carolina appeals court judges struggled Friday to balance fairness for voters with strict adherence to state election law in a case with a state high court seat on the line—and their ...
A new federal appeals court decision could affect how easily patients or others can sue employer-sponsored health plans and ...
The US Supreme Court rejected a narrow interpretation of a firearms sentencing enhancement after years of rulings that ...
Eric J. Fues and Kyle W. Howarth of Finnegan address the on-sale bar in patent law, with a focus on how pre-filing sales of ...
In a 7-4 decision authored by senior circuit Judge Susan Graber, the majority wrote that “a large-capacity magazine has ...