Amid repeated pledges by U.S. president-elect Donald Trump to annex Canada, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May has jokingly ...
Cascadia Eye takes great joy each year in reaching out to young people. Our $1,500 Excellence in Education scholarship has been going strong since 2003, giving us a chance to assist high school ...
“This federal award is an important step forward for the Cascadia High-Speed Rail project and will support critical planning, community engagement, and initial design activities,” said ...
Senior judge was found to have committed misconduct Wrote essay calling justice’s flag-flying ‘improper’ A federal judge committed judicial misconduct in criticizing Justice Samuel Alito’s flying of ...
But for some, the quake was a reminder, and even a dry run, for a much bigger event that could cause catastrophic damage to the Pacific Northwest, a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake registering ...
Senior U.S. District Judge Michael Ponsor in Springfield, Massachusetts, wrote in his May 24, 2024, essay that any judge with reasonable ethical instincts would have realized that flying a flag ...
The founder of a “socialist apparel” brand who has called online for the death of corporate executives is planning to sell a deck of cards of “most wanted CEOs” — complete with names and ...
Dr. Julia Alekseyeva, who describes herself as a “socialist and ardent antifascist” and goes by the social media handle “@thesoviette,” went on TikTok and said she was never prouder to ...
The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) in the United Kingdom held its Seventh National Congress from November 29 to December 2, 2024. The Congress unanimously passed two resolutions, “War ...
People in Syria and those across the world have taken to the streets to celebrate the end of dictator Bashar Al Assad's brutal regime, raising an alternative version of the country's official flag.
The defence of jobs at VW requires a break with the IG Metall bureaucracy, the building of independent action committees, the international unification of the working class and a socialist strategy.