A operação utilizou 250 kg de explosivos e foi realizada para viabilizar a reconstrução da ponte, que tem previsão de ...
Specifically, the male dolphins rolled over onto their backs, displayed their male members, and launched a stream of urine as high as 3 feet into the air. This usually occurred when other males were ...
Produced 1,635 tonnes P 2 O 5 of Direct Application Phosphate Rock (“DAPR”) and Partially Acidulated Phosphate Rock (“PAPR”) compared to 643 tonnes P 2 O 5 in Q4 2023, with the increase due to the ...
No Brasil existem gírias que são regionais e que refletem a cultura e o jeito de viver em cada estado do país. Veja, então, ...
As Brazil sets the legal basis for its carbon trade, environmentalists are doubtful on whether it will be able to lower the country's emissions - the sixth largest in the world according to the EU ...