Mayoral and city council hopefuls spoke about the quality of drinking water and what solutions they might need to consider in ...
The City of Bloomington is taking continuous measures to improve water quality, but not fast enough for some. Residents and ...
BLOOMINGTON — The city of ... ideal conditions for an algae bloom, the city water director said. Andrews said the city has spoken to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency about getting ...
The city council has recently decided to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars as part of an expedited plan to use a powdered activated carbon (PAC) system to improve the quality of water at Lake ...
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. (WMBD) — The City of Bloomington announced some residents may notice some changes with their tap water after the city changed its primary water source.
In a unanimous vote, the Bloomington City Council approved a purchase of a new water treatment system. The city entered a contract with Chemo Systems, Inc., and ...
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. (WMBD) — Water main breaks have closed East Front Street and Morrissey drive. According to a city of Bloomington Facebook post, the section of East Front Street between South ...