The video was posted by the Instagram account @mrzezothefoodie. In the clip, the digital creator introduces Chaudhary Saleem, the man responsible for preparing the saag, who generously shares a ...
And with winter comes our craving for greens. The onset of winter invites you to tantalise your palate with the classic sarson ka saag and makkai ki roti. In whichever part of the land you are ...
1. Mix the flour with some seasoning, then lightly coat the beef cubes in the seasoned flour. 2. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the beef until golden brown, then remove from the pan. 3. In the same pan ...
People have been eating beef for thousands of years. The first domesticated cattle lived in the Middle East almost 10,000 years ago before migration brought them to Africa. It’s been a long ...
Among winter specialties, "saag" remains a cherished dish in South Punjab, particularly in the Saraiki belt, where it is enjoyed with chillra (rice bread) or makai ki roti (cornbread). While saag ...
Winter is the perfect season to enjoy wholesome and flavoursome saag dishes. This dish is said to be rich in iron, vitamins, and antioxidants and helps boost immunity while providing warmth.
Sarso ka saag is the go-to dish when the cold season hits, and we're here to spill the secrets on how to make it a delicious breeze! Creamy white butter slathered on Sarso Saag, paired with the ...
Beef stew is the benevolent king of all stews. Familiar yet never tiresome, chunks of tender beef and potatoes in rich brown gravy will always bring comfort and joy to our tables. Little things are ...