Kangana Ranaut's political drama Emergency wrapped its opening week at Rs 13 crore net at the Indian box office. The next few days will be crucial for its theatrical run. Deets Inside.
Aaman Devgan and Rasha Thadani starrer Azaad couldn't impress the audience much. The movie is all set to end its theatrical run on a disastrous note.
This portrait of Bob Dylan going electric boasts the songs, the stars and 60s-era style — plus plenty of passion from its lead, his fellow cast and director.
On the 52nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Arizona Democrats called on their Republican colleagues to support repealing ...
meaning patients had stopped their treatment early. Human and animal health organisations are encouraging vets and doctors to download the poster for their waiting rooms.
Lovely as it is to see Cameron Diaz starring in her first film in a decade, it’s equally dismaying that the film is “Back in Action.” As the title suggests, Diaz is indeed back. Her last movie was the ...