The series stars Asher Brauner, Steve Hanks, and Michelle Pfeiffer in one of her first major acting roles. The acronym B.A.D Cats stood for 'Burglary Auto Detail, Commercial Auto Thefts'.
Lee Asher, the founder of an internet-famous animal sanctuary in Oregon, fell in love with a rescue dog named “Hank” when he visited the Dayton region last fall to give a talk at the Victoria ...
A former Houston Astros catcher has signed a minor league deal with a new team after a rough season. The Houston Astros may have gotten a gem in the Kyle Tucker trade, at least according to one ...
The Chicago Cubs have some serious questions to answer this season in terms of who is going to be playing where, who is going to be taking the bump every fifth day, along with who is going to come ...
I help with depression, anxiety, academic issues, and self-esteem. My approach is collaborative, patient-centered, and strength-based, using cognitive behavioral therapy, narrative therapy ...
International auction house PIASA has announced robust results for 2024, with total auction sales nearing €65 million (including buyer’s premiums).
This movie is just a rip off of every action film of the 80's. It has very little plot, bad guys who hate America, and the rest is all shooting. Everything about it is just incredibly 80's, from the ...
Kitty can't find a man who satisfies her, we follow her search for the dream prince and her friends who tries to help her.
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