Apple launched Apple News Plus in 2019. Since then the tech company has made some changes to its news aggregator service, like the addition of the Quartiles puzzles. With iOS 18.2, Apple is bringing ...
After releasing iOS 18.2 to all users, Apple is already preparing its upcoming software update with iOS 18.3 beta 1. Here's ...
Apple debuted a new Find My feature in iOS 18.2 for sharing a lost item’s location with others. These major airlines now support it.
After revealing the best apps of 2024, Apple has revealed the most downloaded iPhone and iPad apps of this year.
One of the features of Apple Intelligence is its ability to summarize notifications, which was first introduced in iOS 18.1.
A new survey suggests that Apple Intelligence matters to iPhone buyers, but the majority say that the initial features ...
Citing people familiar with the plans, The Wall Street Journal writes that Apple is set to release an iPhone next year that will be thinner than ...
One of the DOJ’s antitrust lawsuits against Apple highlights its failure to offer end-to-end encryption outside the iOS ...
The AI news was seemingly nonstop this week, from OpenAI's 12 Days of" Shipmas" to Google Gemini updates and new Apple ...
Sam Altman has said OpenAI will announce a new product, feature, or demo for 12 days as part of its holiday "Shipmas" ...
With iOS 18.2 and iPadOS 18.2, Apple introduced Genmoji, the feature that lets you create a custom emoji character if there's ...