South Carolina’s largest power provider Santee Cooper has issued a request for proposals (RFP) aimed at finding a buyer—or visionary—to take on what ...
We will take you on an immersive experience around the abandoned world and show you the most beautiful and intriguing places. Ranging from abandoned Castles and palaces in Europe, to grand temples and ...
Why, therefore, should not farmers get together and equip this mill as a central station powerplant of their own? The property has been abandoned and could be bought fo!' very little. Some ...
The Shoreham Nuclear PowerPlant was built between 1972 - 1984 in New York. It was met with heavy protests from locals while under construction, this was due to the Chernobyl disaster, which ...
Santee Cooper is seeking proposals to acquire and finish the VC Summer nuclear power plant in South Carolina in the USA, where construction of two AP1000 units was abandoned in 2017, but has no plans ...