Critics warn the Deputy Prime Minister’s ‘devolution revolution’ could lead to ‘mega councils’ and ‘take powers away from ...
Britain is now the outpost of an ideology being swept away everywhere. No one is listening to a broken Left ...
Former first minister says she is ‘getting on with my life as best I can’ as criminal investigation into her conduct ...
Caesarean births increase by 13pc over the last decade amid rising obesity rates and waiting to have children, experts say ...
Despite foreign affairs being reserved for Westminster, SNP giving millions to Sudan, Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia ...
Rachel Reeves’s inheritance tax raid on family businesses and farms will backfire by costing the Treasury over £1bn more than ...
Russia is scrambling to reinforce its bases in Libya as it faces being thrown out of Syria, its other foothold in the ...
A Donald Trump-supporting US fund manager is preparing to meet Nigel Farage as he seeks to convince British savers to invest ...
With violent young offenders in the prison, we are afraid of further attacks As Britain is gripped by a prisons crisis, The ...
Ultra-portable, AI driven x-rays have been used to find undiagnosed TB, as miners inhaling soot in Victorian-era conditions ...
Workplace diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) is facing a backlash – do companies like Jaguar only adopt it to ...
Royal College of Medicine accuses latest guidance for treating patients in ‘cupboards’ of ‘normalising the dangerous’ ...