Today the RSB announces the launch of its new five-year strategy, from 2025-2030, and the unveiling of our new brand.
(left) and Eleanor Paish (right). The overall Student of the Year Award was also announced at the ceremony as Laura Howarth-Kirke from The University of Manchester. Her project was from the ...
Welcome to the RSB's A-Z of the Biosciences video series! Each video focusses on a different area of biology, with our biologists sharing the highlights of their work. Each video has details of the ...
The Nancy Rothwell Award celebrates specimen drawing in schools and highlights the benefits of combining art and science. The 2020 winners were announced during Biology Week 2020.
of the trees. A little larvae is an autumnal surprise in the northern woods of Alaska and Yukon. The feeding behaviour of aspen leaf miner (Phyllocnistis populiella) larvae, on the leaves of aspen ...
World Organisation for Animal Health Coverage Read the event news story and watch the full event recording on the RSB YouTube channel. Event supporters This event was kindly supported by the ...
Millais School, Horsham Students at Millais School will participate in the RSB BioArtAttack competition during Biology Week. Ada Lovelace Day UK and Worldwide An international celebration day of the ...
Journalist Mark Honigsbaum has updated his book Pandemic Century to include a new chapter on the pandemic that plunged the world into chaos shortly after his first edition was published last year.
These excellent titles were shortlisted for the Royal Society of Biology Book Awards, celebrating outstanding biology books for the general reader, as well as exceptional undergraduate and ...
In 2011, the Edge Foundation's annual question was 'What scientific concept would improve everybody's cognitive toolkit?' Well-known neuroscientist David Eagleman answered with Jakob von Uexküll's ...
Barbara Gemmill-Herren (Ed) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations with Routledge, £37.99 Successful pollination of crop plants is vital in producing adequate food for the world's ...