We have only one example of biology forming in the universe – life on Earth. But what if life can form in other ways? How do ...
Researchers are shining a light on cancer cells’ energy centers – literally – to damage these power sources and trigger ...
New research finds that giraffes much prefer flat terrain and do not traverse slopes of more than 20°, which severely limits ...
A QUT-led research team has developed an ultra-thin, flexible film that could power next-generation wearable devices using ...
Heard anything of string theory lately? Well, there have been a few developments. Apparently it’s not dead, going by a recent ...
I’ve loved dinosaurs since I was a kid, but it turns out a lot of what I thought I knew is wrong… or at the least outdated. So, in this video, I’m gonna show you th ...
After the fall of the al-Assad regime in Syria, large stockpiles of the illicit drug captagon have reportedly been uncovered. The stockpiles, found by Syrian rebels, are believed to be linked to al-A ...
In its various forms, lead has been used in many everyday products for millennia. The Romans even added it to wine as a ...
It's not just your imagination. Turbulence on airplane flights is getting worse, including severe turbulence that could cause injuries. The reason is the climate crisis -- here's how.
This is a brief comment on the recent social media episode in which a young woman attracted a lot of attention by graduating with a thesis on olfactory suppression in English ...
It’s the time of year for workplace Christmas parties, and gatherings with family and friends. Maybe you’ll drink a lot in one go. Then you feel your heart beating fast or irregularly. Ma ...
A new class of magnetism called altermagnetism has been imaged for the first time in a new study. The findings could lead to ...