Hot spring water filled this volcanic blast crater, creating a hot spring pond one kilometer around. Its blue-green waters are 40 degrees Celsius at the surface, but 130-degree water gushes forth from ...
※ 上述登载资讯为更新时内容,可能与实际价格不符。目前最新资讯请来店时垂询。
Plump, juicy Japanese strawberries are one of the hallmarks of a springtime harvest. And in Japan, there are a number of places where you can pick and eat fresh strawberries in Tokyo on your own! Some ...
全国で3番目に広く、美しい自然や温泉、歴史や伝統、全国2位の生産&収穫量を誇る桃をはじめ、特産品もたくさんある福島県。この記事では、福島応援アイドル「福島もも娘」が、福島県の ...
福島縣坐擁廣闊美麗的大自然、溫泉和歷史傳統,也是日本全國土地面積第三大的縣市。出產的眾多特產品當中,水蜜桃的產量和收成量更是位居全日本第二。本文將由宣傳福島的偶像團體「福 ...
日本在新年初始之際會有所謂的「新年首賣」活動,是指百貨公司、購物商場、家電量販店等商家在新年期間推出商品,通常會有福袋或特別折扣促銷,會比平常更加熱鬧活絡。但是這些地方在 ...
北海道は、スキーヤーやスノーボーダーの憧れの地。その理由は、雪質の良さにあります。北海道の冬は気温が低く、空気が乾燥しているため、水分の少ない粉状の雪「パウダースノー」を ...
Planning a trip to one of Sapporo’s ski resorts? Many of these snowy retreats are conveniently accessible by train and bus from Sapporo Station. However, navigating the bus stops can be tricky due to ...
In Japan, 'Hatsu-uri,' or the first sales of the year, marks the beginning of the year when shops, department stores, ...
For visitors to Japan, especially those checking out the Mt. Fuji-Kawaguchiko area, Hoto—a traditional local dish of ...
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.
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