Māori people are reclaiming their native language, even in the face of growing threats to the natural world on which it ...
Fancy fish eggs have become the latest luxury good to go viral on social media, raising questions about the future of ...
The North Sea is a hard place to love. It’s not the cold, or the silty gray-brown waters that seem to suck the brightness out of the sky that make it unappealing, it’s what people have done to it over ...
On a brisk August morning in Tasermiut Fjord, southern Greenland, I poke my head from the hatch of my family’s 13-meter sailboat to find frost on the deck and a cloudless sky. It’s weather that ...
Named for the undulating waves of its broad, fleshy appendages—called parapodia—lettuce sea slugs appear in a range of colors ...
The wooden fishing boat chugs across Comau Fjord, a finger of dark water wedged between the snowy peaks of Chilean Patagonia. A Chilean flag flaps in the wind above a hand-painted black cormorant on ...
One of the killer whale’s most distinguishing features is its saddle patch: an area of gray or white coloration behind its dorsal fin. Each killer whale has a distinct saddle patch, just as humans ...
The Canadian government and the Ehattesaht First Nation dropped a huge chunk of change trying to save the stranded killer whale kʷiisaḥiʔis (Brave Little Hunter). Now, they’re wondering how to make up ...
New research estimates that some 200,000 birds are accidentally caught in fishing gear in Europe each year.
A unique fjord in Chilean Patagonia gives scientists a chance to unlock the reproductive secrets of cold-water corals that typically live thousands of meters below the ocean’s surface.