Carbon pollution from human activities is making ocean water corrosive. This harms marine life. Our new scientific tool helps ...
Washington's Industrial Stormwater General Permit, which covers nearly 1,200 facilities, has new requirements to ensure cleaner stormwater is flowing into local waterways. The permit covers industrial ...
Submit an observation form to report any violation of the state plastic bag ban you have observed. Plastic bags are a major contaminant in Washington’s recycling facilities, waterways, roadways, and ...
We're working to reduce polluted runoff from streets, forests, and farms. When it rains, water flows across the land, streets, and sidewalks. Pollutants are carried by this water into local streams, ...
This information was modified from Chapter 2 of At Home with Wetlands: A Landowner's Guide. Wetlands perform many ecological functions. Knowledge and understanding about the complexities wetland ...
We also provide educational resources to property owners who want to drill a new well, maintain a well, or close down (decommission) an unused well. Well drillers and property owners have the ...
The Expedited VCP (Voluntary Cleanup Program) process is designed to encourage cleanup and redevelopment. This process has higher expectations, fees, and cost recovery rates than the Standard VCP ...
El Departamento de Ecología adoptó una nueva regla, Capítulo 173-167 WAC, Financiamiento de Emergencia por Sequía. Ecología está solicitando propuestas de los solicitantes de subvenciones para abordar ...
Forestry practices create sediment runoff and warmer water temperatures. We work with other agencies to enforce rules that prevent this type of runoff. We help ensure that the Forest Practices Rules ...
Register for the webinar to get your meeting ID and passcode. To hear the webinar better or to call in only, use your phone (instead of the computer) to call 253-215-8782. Agenda: Presentation, ...
Agricultural runoff can pollute lakes, rivers, and marine beaches. It can also contaminate groundwater. Landowners can prevent runoff by using best practices that keep soil and other pollution out of ...
When establishing cleanup levels for your contaminated site, use these guidance documents in combination with the CLARC data tables. CLARC — Cleanup Levels and Risk Calculation — is a compendium of ...