Many dogs won't pee while on leash and this can be frustrating for dog owners who take their dogs on walks to potty. Discover some reasons why dogs get "bladder shy" when on leash and what you can do ...
Learning more about the pros and cons of a raw diet for dogs is important so dog owners can make an informed decision before starting a dog on a raw diet. Here's veterinarian Dr. Anna Cherry's guide ...
If you think the latter is the best way to measure your dog's height, you are on the right track. A dog's height is measured at the top of the shoulders. The "Withers" Tell You How Tall Your Dog Is A ...
Dogs with a slipped disc that can't walk, or have difficulty walking, are cases that certainly cause great concern to many dog owners. Affected dogs develop severe back pain, and possibly, difficulty ...
Dogs sniff the air because the air is teeming with chemical compounds that capture a dog's interest. By getting better acquainted with a dog's superior sense of smell, it is possible finding out what ...
A dog walking on the top of the paws is referred to as "knuckling" and it can be indicative of some problem with the dog's nervous system. Finding out the source of the problem is something only a vet ...
On the other hand, adult free ranging dogs may be used to using any substrate. When it comes to their elimination habits, these dogs tend to have a lack of inhibition as they are used to eliminate any ...
Dogs licking their front legs a lot can surely cause dog owners to wonder about what must be going on in their dogs' minds. A closer insight reveals that front leg licking may be triggered by a vast ...
If you're looking for the causes of high white blood cell count in dogs, most likely your dog's blood work has numbers that were off the charts. Discover several potential reasons for high levels of ...
A dog breeding glossary of terms may turn helpful to both novice and experienced dog breeders. Let's face it: there are several interesting terms related to breeding and whelping dogs and not all of ...
If you're wondering at what age female dogs breed, you likely have some big projects in mind. Countless dog owners dream of their dogs having a litter and who doesn't love the pitter patter of small ...
If you are planning to fly with your Pitbull, you may be wondering what airlines allow Pitbulls in 2024. There are less and less airlines nowadays willing to fly this dog breed, causing lots of ...