The Lost Twin Lakes Trail is a hidden gem in Wyoming that every nature lover should add to their hiking bucket list.
Following cries for help from the community, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife initiated a search for the wayward cub.
Image via Getty Images He's certainly a chunky boy! A massive black bear just broke the Mississippi state record for the ...
In 2023, wildlife watchers gathered by the thousands in Pilgrim Creek, wondering whether she would emerge from the den at all ...
The Black Bear Program in Mississippi celebrated a jumbo-sized black bear, the largest in the program's history. Black bears ...
One day in 1902, President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, an avid hunter, outdoorsman and naturalist, was hunting for black bear ...
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Black Bear Program coordinator Anthony Ballard is photographed with a ...
Three people pled guilty on Friday to their roles in a murder on the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians’ Reservation. ...
FWP relocated eight black bears and one grizzly bear. Last year, FWP relocated four black bears and didn't relocated any grizzly bears.
The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) has announced a new milestone in its Black Bear Program.
Wildlife officials in Mississippi said researchers trapped and tagged a 510-pound bear that is officially the largest ever ...